Uniaxial rheological damage experiment of soft rock based on the ultrasonic testing
Graphical Abstract
The uniaxial rheology damage and failure tests of soft rock were done under two different loading modes, and the ultrasonic signal of each rheology process was monitored by ultrasonic detector. The test results were as follows: soft rock exhibited the obvious sticky, elastic and plastic characteristics and using visco-elastoplastic model to simulate every rheology process of soft rock was suitable; when the stress reached or exceeded 80% of soft rock uniaxial compressive strength, the longitudinal wave velocity curve would have sustainable down trend in the rheology process and the damage signals could be detected, but the amplitude curve of first wave was not accurate; the damage evolution curve of rheology process could be got through defining damage variable by velocity. The results could provide basis for the structure stability of soft rock engineering during long-term rheological process.