Influence of permeable stones on GEO-Experts SWCC pressure plate apparatus
Graphical Abstract
Pre-consolidation process must use permeable stones when GEO-Experts stress-related soil water characteristic curve pressure plate apparatus is used to measure the soil-water characteristic curves. Dehydration test results found that the water of permeable stones and soil samples was discharged to the measuring tubes with remolded saturated soil samples of Nanchang city. The water content of the sample is to back calculated from the the water yield discharged to the measuring tubes. Thus the obtained water content of the sample is not true, causing smaller water content corresponding to matric suction. In order to reduce experimental error, there are six different treatment programs for permeable stones. The results found that the testing program using breathable waterproof membrane under permeable stones can effectively reduce experimental error. In that case, oil-water characteristic curves are more accurate. Finally, under different consolidation pressures, the drying and wetting tests were conducted with the optimal program.