HE Zi-jiang, YUAN Xian-chun. Study of development characteristics of carbinate reserevoirs in the Lower Pleaozoic Dongpu Depression[J]. COAL GEOLOGY & EXPLORATION, 2003, 31(3): 16-19.
HE Zi-jiang, YUAN Xian-chun. Study of development characteristics of carbinate reserevoirs in the Lower Pleaozoic Dongpu Depression[J]. COAL GEOLOGY & EXPLORATION, 2003, 31(3): 16-19.
HE Zi-jiang, YUAN Xian-chun. Study of development characteristics of carbinate reserevoirs in the Lower Pleaozoic Dongpu Depression[J]. COAL GEOLOGY & EXPLORATION, 2003, 31(3): 16-19.
HE Zi-jiang, YUAN Xian-chun. Study of development characteristics of carbinate reserevoirs in the Lower Pleaozoic Dongpu Depression[J]. COAL GEOLOGY & EXPLORATION, 2003, 31(3): 16-19.
Using the testing methods such as core description,wireline logging,oxygen carbon isotope and inclusion measurement,the paper has studied the carbinate reserevoirs in the Lower Pleaozoic Dongpu Depression.The study results indicated that the carbinate reserevoirs in the Lower Pleaozoic Dongpu Depression distribute in different belts which can be classified to three orders:the first is in the hanging wall of Lanliao fault,the second is to the south of Gaopingji fault,the third distributes in the northern area of Gaopingji fault.