Some Contributions of professor Zhang Wenyou to the CoalGeoiogy
Graphical Abstract
As one of pioneers of China's coal geological survey,Prof. Zhang Wenyou makes a great deal of investigations in his early years. During his old age, he is still assiduous in openning up new realms of the coal geology,for example, the coal-gas and the underground Water of coal field.The main contributions to the coal geology of Prof Zhang Wenyou can be summarized as follows: (1)Controlling of basement structure to the formation of covering strata. (2)Coal deposited in rift valley. (3)Coal-forming periods in geohistory of China. (4)Relationship between distribution of coal fields and the fault-block tectonic framework in China. (5)Controlling of basement structure to the deformation of covering strata.(6)Controlling of boundary fractures to the formation and deformation of covering strata. (7)Relationship between the bogen structures and the coal field distributions.(8)Coal fields Preserveb dy folding. (9)Coal fields Preserved in the lower wall of thrust.(10) Relationship between the fault-block framework and the coal metamorphic zones.(11)The secondary changes of shape and thickness of coal beds.(12)The superposed reformations of coal fields.