Decomposing method of groundwater flow model identification
Graphical Abstract
The identification of groundwater model is a comprehensive hydrogeologic analyzing and calculating process.However,it is often partially viewed as only a problem of parameter estimation.This point of view is very harmful for the understanding of hydogeologic process and often results in the failures of model operation.This paper briefly introduced the concept of the identification of groundwater model and the types of the problem.It further pointed out that the simulation of the initial flow field constitutes an important part of the identification of groundwater model.Apart from parameters,the source and sink terms,initial and boundary conditions should be taken part into the process of the identification of groundwater model.Using the superposition principle,the iden-tification of groundwater model can be approached in two steps: First,the parameters are identified,and then,the other factors are identified.Besides the parameters the source and sink terms,initial conditions,boundary condi-tions are also important for identification of groundwater model.