Water content prediction of roof sandstone using AVO technology
Graphical Abstract
The purpose of this research is to discuss the water content prediction of roof sandstone using Gassmann equation and AVO(Amplitude Variation with Offset) modelling. First of all, we calculate P-velocities, porosities and clay contents using actual well logs as inputs. Then, we fit the P-velocity of sandstone matrix with Han's empirical equation. After that, we calculate the S-velocity of sandstone matrix and build 14 sandstone models to calculate corresponding velocities and densities following Gassmann's workflow. Finally, we calculate the AVO responses of roof sandstones with Zoeppritz equation. The results show the cross plot between intercept(P) and gradient(G) can differentiate roof sandstone with different porosity and wettability. In summary, AVO technology is a useful tool to predict water content of roof sandstone.