Aqueous self-healing of surface layer in mining area of super-large mechanized face
Graphical Abstract
In large-scale coal mining of western aeolian sand area, determining the ecological restoration strategy depends mostly on surface layer variation caused by extensive mining of super-large mechanized face. The water content of surface layer (0~15 m) during full-process was detected by using Geo-radar. Result shows that the super-large face mining has significant influence on the content of aeolian-sand surface layer in area without impermeable layer, but not significant influence on the water bearing behaviour in area with a impermeable clay layer. Also it indicates that the moisture content tendency has obvious self-healing feature under loosening due to mining. The cycle of the self-restoration of aquiferous behaviour of surface layer is less one year. The precipitation is the important external factor for enhancement and restoration of aquiferous behaviour of surface layer.