
Globally finding critical surface on soil slope by grids method

  • 摘要: 基于坡面网格提出了一种全局搜索土坡临界滑动面的几何优化方法。该方法较好地利用了几何优化的长处,原理简单,若辅以一定的经验分析,它将能较为高效地得到土坡临界滑动面。两个计算实例表明,该方法计算搜索结果具有较好的全局性,并且能较好适用于一些复杂的工程土坡。


    Abstract: Based on soil slope face grids,a new method is put forward to globally search critical slip face on slope.It has preferably utilized the optimization advantages of geometrical model.Furthermore,its theory is easily intelligible.If assisted by experience analysis on some degree,it will more efficiently get the critical slip surface on soil slope.Two examples are given,their results are both of good integrity.It is applicable to some complex soil slopes.


