
Study on collapsibility and ground treatment to deep-seated loess of Taiyuan area in northern Shaanxi

  • 摘要: 陕北台塬区深层湿性黄土厚度大,地基处理困难。室内试验表明:该区黄土的湿陷性与其结构、天然含水量、孔隙比、时代成因等因素相关,黄土的湿陷系数由上到下逐渐递减,表明湿陷性随深度增加而逐渐减弱;黄土的含水量和孔隙比分别与湿陷系数呈反相关和正相关关系。提出陕北台塬区深层湿陷性黄土地基处理时,对单位荷重小于250 kPa的建筑物,适宜采用灰土垫层、灰土挤密桩或灰土挤密桩与灰土垫层相结合方案;单位荷重大于或等于250 kPa的建筑物,宜采用桩基础方案。


    Abstract: The ground treatment in Taiyuan area of northern Shaanxi is difficult because of thick deep-seated loess.Ted laboratory experiment reveals that the loess collapsibility correlates with loess structure,primitive water con-tent,void ratio,forming times,cause of formation and other factors.The collapsibility is gradually decreasing downwards.The water content and void ratio are correlated to loess collapsibility.It is suggested that the common ground treatment of the building with weight less than 250 kPa in Taiyuan area need adopt the construction in col-lapsible loess region,such as soil stratification and soil pipe or combined soil stratification and piles,but for buildings with weight larger than 250 kPa need adopt pile foundation construction.


