Rapid 3-D Resistivity inversion for complicate model
摘要: 运用共轭梯度迭代算法解三维反问题中的线性方程组,并结合求Jacobi矩阵 G 的Rodi算法,则每次反演迭代仅需一次正演计算,大大加快了计算速度,实现了直流电阻率三维快速反演。另外,由于避免了存储 G 和 G T G 所需的庞大存储量,以及在三维反演中加入光滑约束,有利于精细网格下的复杂模型反演。Abstract: While conjugate gradient(CG) relaxation technique is used to solve the inverse equations and Rodi method is introduced to compute the Jacobi matrix G,only one forward calculation is required in each inversion iteration,thus the 3-D resistivity inversion is computed much quickly.Additionally,by avoiding huge storage for G and GTG and imposing a smoothness constraint on model,we make a solid base of 3-D resistivity inversion for the complicate structure.