摘要: 设计制作了一套通过适时监测与分析锚杆受力后的力与位移关系曲线,并加以智能判别和预警,来实现锚杆极限锚固力无损检测的设备。实际应用证明,该设备既能准确测定锚固体系的极限锚固力,又不会破坏锚杆结构体系。Abstract: An instrument is designed to test the maximum bolting force in no-destructive inspecting through measuring the force and the displacement of the bolt and meantime drawing the F-S diagram timely.This instrument can distinguish the inflection point of the F-S diagram and give an alarm intelligently.Stopped at the maximum bolting force,it show us practically the same diagram in the second drawing.It is confirmed by field tests that this method can determine the max F of the bolted system accurately but not destroy the bolting structure,and the purpose to test the max F in no-destructive drawting become true.
- the maximum bolting force /
- no-destructive drawing /
- sensor /
- F-S diagram /
- alarm intelligently
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