Researches on numerical algorithm of groundwater flowline
摘要: 地下水流线的生成是数值模拟结果显示中的一个重点。根据地下水流线可方便分析地下水的运动态,而常见的工具不能满足要求。论文探讨并提出了流线的“质点追踪”生成算法,这为流线数据可视化显示及其地下水年龄计算提供了一定的依据。最后,进行了实例研究,结果显示了设计算法的正确性。Abstract: Groundwater flowline generation is one difficulty in results visualization of groundwater simulation,by which we could analyze groundwater movement easily.However,common tools don't satisfy the need.This article discussed and designed the particle-tracing numerical algorithm of groundwater flowline,which would supply argument for visualization of flowline data and groundwater age calculation,and finally made a case study.The results showed the accuracy of algorithm.