
A study of geothermal information management system for Pingdingshan Mine Area

  • 摘要: 介绍了平顶山矿区地温信息管理系统软件(PGTIMS1.0)的设计思路。根据平顶山矿区地温信息的特点,该信息系统软件具有地温数据库、地温图形库、地温计算系统等三个子系统,可以进行地温信息管理、地温图形的管理、地温场中任意一点的地温计算。界面友好,操作方便。为科学地预测地下温度,评价地温环境、煤炭开发与热害治理之间的矛盾打下基础。


    Abstract: The design thought of geothermal information management system for Pingdingshan mine area (PGTIMS1.0) was introduced.The software run on the Windows98,it includes the geothermal database subsystem,the geothermal graphics subsystem,and the geothermal calculation subsystem.It can manage geothermal information,manage geothermal graphics,and compute temperature value of every point in geothermal field.It has friendly interface and can be operated easy.


