Application and development of advanced drilling technology for coal mine roadway heading
摘要: 随着煤矿巷道智能快速掘进的发展, 掘进工作面超前精细化探测需求日益迫切。结合巷道掘进与坑道钻探工作技术特点, 分析了煤矿智能绿色开采地质保障发展背景下巷道掘进超前钻探技术特征与技术需求。为有效解决探掘矛盾, 提升超前钻探技术装备水平, 阐述了掘探一体化、双臂超前钻探和基于定向钻孔的综合探测等技术装备创新实践。相关工程实践表明, 双臂钻机超前探施工效果明显, 试验巷道单月掘进进尺效率提升了30%;基于定向钻孔技术, 综合使用孔内多种物探手段, 在山西某矿2203工作面进行超前综合探测, 效果良好, 探明多处断层与陷落柱等地质构造情况。结合智能化矿山技术的发展趋势, 从自动化控制角度探讨了由基础自动化层、过程控制层和智能决策层组成的智能钻进闭环控制策略; 从钻探信息融合发展角度, 按照有数据、管数据、用数据的技术思路为钻探信息挖掘与管理提供了新的视角。Abstract: With the development of intelligent and fast roadway heading in coal mines, the demand for advanced and fine exploration of heading face is becoming increasingly urgent. Considering the technical characteristics of roadway heading and tunnel drilling, this paper firstly analyzes the technical characteristics and technical requirements of roadway heading advanced drilling under the background of intelligent green mining of coal mines and describes the innovative practice of technology and equipment, such as the integration of excavation and exploration, dual-arm advanced drilling and comprehensive exploration based on directional drilling to effectively solve the contradiction of exploration and excavation and improve the level of advanced drilling technology and equipment. The related engineering practice shows that the advanced exploration construction effect of dual-arm drill is obvious, and the single month drivage efficiency of the field test roadway is improved by 30%. The advanced comprehensive detection effect is good at the working face 2203 in a coal mine of Shanxi based on a variety of geophysical exploration methods, and many geological structures such as faults and collapse columns have been verified. Combined with the development trend of intelligent mining technology, the closed-loop control strategy of intelligent drilling, which consists of basic automation layer, process control layer and intelligent decision layer, is discussed from the perspective of automatic control. From the perspective of drilling information integration development, it provides a new insight for drilling information mining and management following the technical ideas of data acquisition, data management and data application.