
Confirmation of carbon emissions in coal mining areas and research on low-carbon green development path

  • 摘要: 开展煤矿区碳排放的系统评价和减排路径的综合分析,是落实我国碳达峰与碳中和愿景的具体行动。针对煤矿区碳排放源边界不清、核算模型缺乏及碳中和背景下发展方向等问题开展分析。通过文献查阅、资料收集等方法,厘清煤矿区碳排放源边界,并建立碳排放量核算模型,明确煤矿区低碳绿色发展方向。结果表明:煤矿区碳排放(CH4和CO2)来源可划分为自然排放和人为排放两大类,并细分为5种类型,针对不同碳排放源提出相应的数学模型;同时煤矿区要加大节能和低碳技术的投入,提高综合资源的利用程度和瓦斯的监测力度,加强绿色矿山修复和建设,积极参与碳市场和碳排放权交易及培育适应市场的管理模式等一系列措施,逐步实现低碳、绿色产业体系;此外,煤矿相关单位应高瞻远瞩,深入分析并发挥政府的低碳环保政策的作用,与相关高校加强合作,在我国碳减排目标下,大力推动煤制氢技术的发展,突破CO2-ECBM和CCUS关键技术中的运输、封存选址、安全稳定性评价、成本降低等瓶颈问题,以期在双碳背景下碳减排过程中实现经济、环保双重效益。


    Abstract: Analysis was carried out on the issues such as unclear boundaries of carbon emission sources in coal mining areas, lack of accounting models, and development directions in the context of carbon neutrality. Based on the previous researches and through literature review, data collection and other methods, the boundaries of carbon emission sources in coal mining areas have been clarified and accounting model has been established, clarifying the low-carbon and green development direction of coal mining areas. The sources of carbon emissions(CH4 and CO2) in coal mining areas are divided into two major categories: natural emission and anthropogenic emission and divided into seven types, further, corresponding mathematical models are proposed for different carbon emission sources. At the same time, in the coal mining areas the investment in energy saving and low carbon technology should be increased, the utilization degree of comprehensive resources and gas monitoring should be improved, the restoration and construction of green mines, actively participating in carbon market and carbon emission right trading should be strengthened, and a series of measures to adapt to the market should be formed, a low carbon green industrial system should be gradually set up; In addition, we must be far-sighted, give full play to the government's low-carbon environmental protection policy, and cooperate with relevant universities to vigorously promote the development of coal-to-hydrogen technology under China carbon emission reduction goals, the breakthrough in the bottleneck problems of transport, storage location, safety and stability evaluation and cost reduction of key technologies of CO2-ECBM and CCUS, and achieve huge economic and environmental benefits in the process of carbon emission reduction.


