
Development and application of software in seismic while mining data processing

  • 摘要: 以采煤机作为震源的回采工作面随采地震探测技术是获取精准开采地质条件、提高工作面内部地质异常体探测精度、实现无人/少人化智能开采的关键,具有广泛的应用前景。而常规的地震数据处理软件不能满足随采地震数据实时、连续不间断、大数据量等要求。通过分析随采地震探测技术的数据处理软件的需求,提出了分层、多任务的随采地震数据处理软件(SWM)的框架体系,并详细介绍了软件框架中各层、各任务的组成成分及其功能。该系统集数据管理、数据展示、数据处理和成果展示于一体,满足随采地震数据实时、连续及大数据量的需求。


    Abstract: The seismic while mining detection technology with coal cutter as seismic source in coal face is the key to accurately know the geological conditions of mining, improve the detection accuracy of geological anomaly structure in coal face, and realize unmanned intelligent mining or with few people. It has broad application prospects.The conventional seismic data processing software can not meet the requirements of real-time, continuous and large data volume for seismic while mining data. By analyzing the requirement of seismic while mining detection technology for data processing software(SWM), a framework of hierarchical and multi-task data processing software is proposed. The components and functions of each layer and task in the software framework are introduced in detail. The system integrates data management, data display, data processing and results display. At the same time, it can meet the needs of real-time, continuous and large amount of seismic while mining data.


