
Analysis of diffusion properties of methane in low rank coal

  • 摘要: 甲烷在煤基质中的扩散性能是影响煤层气产出的重要储层参数。采用云南东南部地区新近系中新统小龙潭组褐煤样品,开展了低煤阶煤中甲烷等温吸附实验。基于等温吸附实验获得的吸附量与时间的关系数据,应用一元孔隙结构气体非稳态扩散模型,计算了煤中甲烷气体扩散系数,揭示了煤中甲烷扩散规律和控制机理。研究结果表明,低煤阶煤中气体扩散规律服从Langmuir方程,煤中甲烷有效扩散系数和扩散系数随着压力的增高而增大;吸附时间常数随着压力的增高而减小,服从负指数函数规律。4个实验煤样Langmuir有效扩散系数和扩散系数分别是(1.71~5.46)×10-4 s-1和(2.17~6.91)×10-12 m2/s,Langmuir压力为0.63~1.97 MPa。在相同温度和压力条件下,干燥煤样的有效扩散系数和扩散系数大于平衡水分煤样,随着温度的增高,其有效扩散系数和扩散系数增加,煤中气体扩散性能增强。


    Abstract: Diffusion properties of methane in coal is an important reservoir parameter affecting CBM production. Using the lignite samples from the Xiaolongtan Formation of the Miocene Neogene in southeastern Yunnan Province, the isothermal adsorption experiments of methane in low rank coal were carried out. Based on the relationship between adsorption amount and time obtained from isothermal adsorption experiment, the diffusion coefficient of methane in coal was calculated by using an unipore model of unsteady gas diffusion. The diffusion law of methane in coal and its control mechanism were revealed. The results show that gas diffusion law in coal obeys Langmuir equation; methane effective diffusion coefficient and diffusion coefficient in coal increase with the increase of pressure; adsorption time constant decreases with the increase of pressure and obeys the law of negative exponential function. Langmuir effective diffusion coefficients and diffusion coefficients of four experimental coal samples are(1.71-5.46)×10-4 s-1 and(2.17-6.91)×10-12 m2/s respectively. Langmuir pressure is 0.63~1.97 MPa. Under the same pressure and temperature, the effective diffusivity and diffusivity of dry coal samples are larger than that of equilibrium moisture coal samples. With the increase of temperature, the diffusivity of coal increases, and the effective diffusivity and diffusivity increase with the increase of temperature.


