
Distribution characteristics of associated elements in Middle Jurassic coal in the north of Datong coalfield and their geological significance

  • 摘要: 为研究大同煤田中侏罗统煤中伴生元素地球化学特征及地质意义,应用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS)、X射线衍射法(XRD)、光学电子显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等测试方法分析煤田北部9个煤层中伴生元素含量和赋存特征。结果表明:煤中微量元素含量低,其有益元素(Li、Ga)含量均远低于边界品位,不具伴生成矿开发潜力,但2号煤中Co与Zn、9号煤中Tl和11-2号煤中Be等有害元素较为富集,是世界煤平均值的3倍以上,其环境影响值得关注。煤中主要矿物是高岭石与石英,高岭石主要充填在结构镜质体中,指示其同生成因,石英往往具有很好的晶型,指示其自生成因;少量的黄铁矿和方解石充填在显微裂隙中,指示其后生成因;磷灰石与有机质结合。煤中微量元素Ni和Mo可能主要以有机质结合态存在,其他元素主要赋存在无机矿物中,Si主要以石英形式存在,部分Si和Al以及Li、Cr、Ga和Nb存于黏土矿物中,Fe和Mn以及Cd、Zn、Tl赋存于黄铁矿中;Ca和Mg以及Co主要赋存在碳酸盐矿物中;P、Be、Sr和Ba可能存在磷灰石中;Rb赋存在石盐类矿物中。垂向上看,大同组存在2个沉积旋回,每个沉积旋回由下至上,水动力条件逐渐降低,水体由浅到深,陆源碎屑供给越来越少,这2个旋回间可能经历了较强的地质作用。总体看,在成煤期,随沉积作用的进行,聚煤盆地中碎屑物质输入逐渐减少,活性物质逐渐增加。


    Abstract: In order to study the geochemical characteristics and geological significance of associated elements in Middle Jurassic coal of Datong coalfield, the distribution and occurrence of the associated elements in 9 coal seams in the northern Datong coalfield were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS), X-ray diffraction(XRD), optical electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The results show that the Jurassic coal in Datong coalfield has low trace element content, and beneficial elements(Li, Ga) are far lower than the boundary grade, which has no development potential. But the harmful elements such as Co and Zn in No.2 coal, Tl in No.9, and Be in No.11-2 coal are found quite enriched. Their concentration is more than 3 times the average value of the world coal. Its environmental impact deserves attention. The main minerals in coal are kaolinite and quartz. Kaolinite is mainly filled in structural vitrinite, indicating its syngenesis. Quartz often has a good crystal form, indicating its autogenesis. A small amount of pyrite and calcite is filled in the microfissures, indicating the subsequent origin; apatite is related to organic matter. Trace elements Ni and Mo in coal may exist mainly in or-ganic matter in coal, and other elements mainly in inorganic minerals. Si mainly exists in quartz, some Si and Al, Li, Cr, Ga and Nb mainly exist in clay minerals, Fe, Mn, Cd, Zn, and Tl mainly exists in pyrite, Ca, Mg and Co mainly exist in carbonate, P, Be, Sr and Ba mainly exist in apatite, and Rb mainly exists in halite. Vertically, there are two sedimentary cycles in Datong Formation. From the bottom to the top, the water body changes from shallow to deep and the hydrodynamic condition is gradually reduced in each sedimentary cycle, therefore the supply of terrestrial material decreases. This may be related to the strong tectonic movement occurring between the two cycles. Generally speaking, in the coal-forming period, with the development of sedimentation, the input of clastic materials in the coal-accumulating basin decreased gradually, and the active materials increased gradually.


