Based on the refined geological exploration of coal, the clean and efficient use of coal, this paper reviews the implications of scarce coal and special purpose coal in previous studies. It was pointed out that special purpose coal is based on clean and efficient use of coal for coal resources with special industrial applications. The main types of coal are liquefaction coal, gasification purpose coal, coking coal and special high-element coal. Based on the coal quality evaluation of coal and the use of coal graded quality, this paper has sorted out the key evaluation indicators and evaluation parameters of special purpose coal. According to coal quality characteristics, resource distribution, and industrial layout of coal and rock in China, the special purpose coal evaluation principles and evaluation methods for "special high-element coal, coking coal, liquefaction coal, gasification coal" were pro-posed. The paper evaluated the coal resources in three provinces of Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Inner Mongolia, and counted the reserves and reserves of special purpose coal used for liquefaction, gasification, and coking in 75 national planned mining areas. Finally, the research direction of the special purpose coal under the new situation is to modify and improve the coal geological survey specification, formulate multiple quality and grading evaluation standards for coal utilization, and realize the dynamic evaluation of coal quality and resources according to the requirements of coal utilization technology.