
Design and implementation of the geological guarantee system architecture based on microservices

  • 摘要: 煤炭地质保障系统对煤矿的安全、高效生产具有非常重要的作用。煤矿地质保障系统开发面临数据来源多样、地质监测系统集成开发语言不统一、定制化软件导致地质保障平台在不同煤矿适应性差等问题。提出微服务的地质保障系统开发架构,架构分为3层,分别是应用层、平台层和基础设施层。微服务的地质保障架构规范了开发过程,简化了使用的技术栈,优化了系统集成开发流程;将通用的技术业务固化在开发架构,将需要集成的地质类子系统等专业属性强的业务通过微服务方式进行开发和部署运行,降低了开发、集成难度;使用Docker技术封装微服务镜像,让微服务的部署运行不再受到运行环境的影响,提高跨平台移植性,降低了系统的部署难度,缩短了部署时间。微服务地质保障系统架构在唐家会地质保障系统中的开发实践证明:架构的应用改变了现有地质保障类软件的开发模式,通用业务与专业类业务分离,以微服务的形式实现多专业应用集成,便于多团队并行开发,提高工作效率;微服务实现了系统内部各功能之间的高内聚低耦合,不同方法的钻探、物探等专业功能开发可独立完成,使后期运维、修改的可控性大大提高。


    Abstract: The geological guarantee system is very important for safety production in coal mines. In view of the problems faced by the software development of the system, such as diverse data sources, inconsistent language for integrated development of the geological monitoring system and poor adaptability of the geological support platform in different coal mines caused by customized software development, a three-tier development architecture of the geological support system based on microservices is proposed, which includes an application tier, a platform tier and an infrastructure tier. On the basis of the microservices, the integrated development process of the geological support system is optimized by standardizing the development process and simplifying the technology stack. The general technical business is solidified in the development architecture, and the business with great professionality such as the geological subsystems that need to be integrated is developed, loaded and operated through microservices, which reduces the difficulty of development and integration. The docker technology is used to encapsulate the microservices image, so that the deployment and operation of microservices are no longer affected by the operating environment, which improves the cross platform portability, reduces the difficulty of system deployment and shortens the deployment time. The development practice of the Tangjiahui geological guarantee system shows that the application of the architecture has changed the development mode of the existing geological guarantee software, with the general business and the professional business are being separated; the multi-professional application integration is realized in the form of microservices, facilitating the concurrent development and improving work efficiency. Microservices have greatly reduced the coupling among the functions, and the development of professional functions such as drilling and geophysical prospecting in different methods can be completed independently, which improves the controllability of the later maintenance and modification.


