The geological transparency of water disasters is in urgent need to serve the intelligent and unmanned mining of coal mines. Focused on the water disasters during mining in the working face, the mine-used resistivity monitoring system uses pseudo-random signal transmission and full waveform data acquisition to improve the anti-interference ability of the equipment. Electrode grounding condition consistency correction and monitoring data normalization are used to suppress false anomalies. Time-lapse resistivity imaging is used to identify and extract the abnormal resistivity response of hidden water hazards. The monitoring system is able to estimate the risk of water disasters by monitoring the resistivity changes of the roof and floor during the mining process of the working face, which becomes an important way to realize the geological transparency of water disasters. On the basis of the underground mine field tests of the mine resistivity monitoring system in recent years, its application in the monitoring of water disasters in the roof and floor is introduced respectively. The test results show that the resistivity monitoring can effectively capture the precursory information of the water inrush process in the mining roof and floor. However, in practice, the mine resistivity monitoring system still faces problems such as strong electromagnetic noises and difficulty in protecting the monitoring cables in the goaf. Furthermore, studies on the mechanism of the influence of mining disturbance on coal rock resistivity is insufficient, which leads to a controversy in the analysis and interpretation of resistivity anomalies. Further research is still needed.