Affecting Caenozoic ‘the fourth aquifer’ development factors and its parameters revising
摘要: 分析了“底含”发育的主要影响因素,并以祁东煤矿为例,利用地下水动力学方法重新计算了“底含”的有关参数,对以往抽水试验参数进行修正,并成功地运用到邻近矿井。该研究表明,在富水性较强的古河道发育位置,要合理留设防水煤岩柱,才能保证煤矿安全生产。Abstract: This paper analyses factore affecting ‘the fourth below’ up-growth and calculates some hydrogeological parameters.Taking Qidong Mine as a example,based on the data about the water inrush from the fourth aquifer, the parameters are revised, which are calculated by pumping test. The result is applied in adjacent coal mine. Through above research, in the old river channel where water-abundance is good, the pillar must be suitably left for the safe of mining.