Production system of zero-offset profile and wavelet profile
摘要: 讨论了利用多项式拟合和小波变换制作零炮检距剖面和小波剖面的方法,并用VisualC++语言开发了基于Windows操作平台下的地震资料零炮检距剖面与小波剖面制作系统。利用最佳拟合算法与最佳小波基函数,使用制作系统对煤田实际地震资料进行了处理,取得了满意的地质效果。Abstract: In this paper,the methods of polynomial fitting and wavelet transform to product the zero offset profile and wavelet profile are discussed.The production system of zero offset profile and wavelet profile using seismic data is worked out based on Windows utilizing the VC++ language.Actual seismic data in coal mines are processed with the production system by selecting the optimal polynomial method and wavelet basis function,and better geological results are obtained.