
Specialization of electromagnetic instruments for coalfield hydro-geological exploration

  • 摘要: 随着煤田水文地质勘探任务的复杂化,以往普遍适用的电磁法勘探仪器也迫切需要面向专业化方向发展。这种专业化的趋势是与勘探目的相适应的,更是实际中的切实需要。本文针对煤田地质勘探,特别是华北型煤田水文地质勘探的任务性质、地层电性特点,提出了TEM仪器大功率、高采样率和CSAMT仪器加密频点、多测站施工的设想,以适应专业化要求。


    Abstract: With geology exploration complicated,electromagnetic instruments generally used should be of themselves features for different objects,aim and requirement,which is adaptive to the trend of specialization of electric products recently.Furthermore,this is realistic need in practice.This paper puts forward special demands on high-powered,high sampling frequency for TEM and high density frequency and multi-station for CSAMT in accordance with character,electric feature of strata and prospecting task of coalfield exploration,specially with hydro-geological exploration of Northern China type coal field.


