
Structural evolution analysis of Gaobei mine area in Fujian

  • 摘要: 根据高陂煤矿区主要断层的走向、形成期次、平面展布样式和发育特征,分析了该区应力状态及矿区构造演化过程。研究表明:在矿区北东、南西向局部主压应力作用下,产生了南部一系列逆冲断层和褶曲,同时在这种压应力持续作用下,又产生了与局部主压应力几乎垂直的北西、南东向的张应力,从而进一步产生了低序次的北东—南西向张断裂;该区在印支晚期主要形成了3条滑覆断层,燕山早期形成了高陂向斜、矿区东西边界断层、次一级褶曲和小断层;燕山中、晚期形成了矿区南北边界断层,并使高陂向斜南高北低。


    Abstract: The paper analysed the stress condition and structural evolution process by analyzing main fualt's stike,growth stages,surface exhibition style and development characteristics.The study work indicated that a series of thrust faults and folds are formed under the function of principle stress in northeast and southwest directions and formed the tension stress in northwest and southeast direction by the continuous principal stress,forming open fractures of lower class in northeast and southwest direction.Tectonic revolution is following:three decollement faults were formed in latter period of Indo-China;Gaobei syncline in early period of Yanshan and mine rim fault in middle-late period of Yanshan were formed,and resulted in the Gaobei syncline high at north side and lower at south side.


