
Gas-gushing control of small faults in Renlou Coal Mine

  • 摘要: 断裂构造作用对煤层的瓦斯含量及煤层开采时瓦斯的涌出量都会产生影响。通过实际观测统计,分析了皖北任楼煤矿小型断层两侧瓦斯涌出的基本特征。研究表明,断层作用区与煤层瓦斯高涌出量具一致性;断层落差与最大瓦斯涌出区至断层点的距离具极好的相关性;瓦斯异常涌出范围与断层落差之间也呈现良好的线性关系。进一步分析表明,在研究区断层附近的瓦斯涌出量峰值出现的位置以及瓦斯涌出量异常的范围分别约为断层落差的35倍与60倍。


    Abstract: Fracturing of faults affects the coalbed gas content and gas-gushing volume during mining.In this paper,the basic gas-gushing characteristics on both sides of small faults in Renlou Coal Mine,Wanbei are analyzed.It is presented that the gas-gushing volume is well consistent to where it is affected by fault through comparing the gas-gushing volume of affected zones to that of normal zones.The results of statistics analysis show that the fall of faults is in good pertinence with the distance between where the peak of gas-gushing volume is occurred and the rupture of the faults,that the scope of abnormal gas-gushing zone has a linear relation with the fall of faults,that the distance between the gas-gushing peak occurring spot and the rupture of faults,the scope of abnormal zone are 35 times and 60 times the breadth of the fall respectively.


