Experiment on artificially-prepared clay samples by freeze-drying for SEM
摘要: 叙述了采用液氮真空冷冻升华法 (冻干法)干燥微结构测试用粘土样品的基本原理和操作过程、试验前的准备等方面的内容。采用此干燥制样技术使软粘土样品失水后体积不收缩,无结构变化,样品质量可满足微结构研究的精度要求。Abstract: The principle and methods of artificially-prepared samples by freeze-drying for microstructure analysis are described in this paper. The samples processed by freeze-drying do not shrank in volume and is no change in structure after dewatering, and quality of samples is well for microstructure analysis.