
Displacement analysis of compound soil nail support structure for excavation by one dimension finite element

  • 摘要: 复合土钉支护位移计算尚未有成熟的分析方法。本文采用杆系有限单元法,结合支护土钉滞后的施工动态分析,来求解施工超前桩墙的复合土钉支护结构的水平位移。坑外侧主动土压力,由于受到密集土钉作用和坡角的影响,考虑折减计算。本分析方法简便,易于计算机编程。通过工程实例计算和分析,结果表明水平位移计算值与实测值较为接近。


    Abstract: The technique of compound soil nail support structures is developed fast and spread widely in recent years,but there is no appropriate method for analyzing the displacement of it from engineering standpoint.This paper attempts to compute the horizontal displacement of the structure by one dimension finite element method and considering the lag construction of soil nails,and making a discount for active earth pressure due to high concentration of soil nails and action of slope angle.This mehtod is simple,and easily to code in computer program.From case study,the results demonstrate that computed horizontal displacements of the structure approach to the measured data.


