Resource predication and exploration of Xujiahe Formation in center of Chuanxi foreland basin
摘要: 川西前陆盆地须家河组作为上三叠统重要的含煤地层, 含有多套烃源岩。采用沉积有机碳法对各套烃源岩的特征进行了研究。结果表明, 烃源岩中含有丰富的有机质, 其类型以Ⅲ型干酪根为主, 部分为Ⅱ型干酪根。烃源岩总体上成熟度较高, 天然气总生成量大, 不同地区和各套烃源岩的分布特征和生烃潜力存在明显差异, 有机碳值变化幅度大, 天然气产出量不均衡。不同地区, 烃源岩非均质性和盆地构造演化及沉积特征变化复杂, 造成了川西地区中部勘探面临一些问题。这些问题需要紧密结合前陆盆地构造发育和含煤地层沉积的特点, 研究烃源岩分布差异性特征, 从煤系烃源岩、天然气成藏理论和勘探技术等方面加以解决。Abstract: s:The Xujiahe Formation in center of Chuanxi foreland basin is an important coal bearing strata and possesses a few series hydrocarbon source rocks. Based on the result of sediment organic carbon approach, the organic material is abundant in source rocks, organic type is principal type III, minor constituent is type II. The maturity degree of source rocks is high, but quality diversity exists within different source rocks. Organic carbon figure also severe change within source rocks. Exploration complexity is attributed to tectonics evolutionary pattern of foreland basin. Available knotty problem about exploration situation require petroleum resources theory, technology, operating position manipulation, together with carefully research about source rocks characteristics, foreland basin evolutionary.