Distribution and burying characteristics of the Permo-Carboniferous system and the coal-formed gas source rock in Jiyang depression
摘要: 山东地区经历了多次构造运动,含煤地层遭受严重破坏,因此各地煤系保存程度差异较大。济阳坳陷是石炭—二叠系的深陷区,但济阳坳陷构造十分复杂,煤系保存于坳陷中的一些次级凹陷中。石炭二叠系的埋深多在30 0 0~5 0 0 0m范围内,次级凹陷局部出现较大的埋深变化,最大埋深可达上万米,最小埋深仅在千米左右。煤型气源岩主要为煤层和暗色泥质岩。泥质岩最厚为5 5 5.5m (惠民凹陷),煤层最厚4 0.5m (车镇凹陷),泥岩、煤层厚度分布与残留厚度的变化趋势大体一致。研究表明,济阳坳陷石炭二叠系煤层属较好的烃源岩,泥岩整体上为差—中等烃源岩,局部发育有好的烃源岩。Abstract: Several tectonic movements took place in Shandong area, which caused severe destruction to the coal-bearing measures, as a result, the preservation of the strata is of great difference here and there. The Permo-Carboniferous system is deeply buried in Jiyang depression where the structural condition is complicated and the coal-bearing measures is generally preserved in the secondary sags. The Permo-Carboniferous is generally buried at the depth of 3 000~5 000 m, with big difference in different secondary sags, 10,000 m being the maximum, while 1 000 m or so the minimum. The source rocks of the coal-formed gas are mainly coal seams and dark mudstone, and the maximum thickness of the former is 40.5 m(in Chezhen sag) while that of the latter 555.5 m(in Huimin sag). The thickness of the mudstone and coal seams varies with the remnant thickness of the Permo-Carboniferous system. The coal is a good kind of source rock while mudstone generally bad to medium and locally relatively well.