
Estimation and application of volume density of discontinuities in sampling window

  • 摘要: 不连续面体积密度是三维网络模拟的基本参数之一,体积密度的取值合理与否直接关系到模拟结果的可信度。对不连续面体积密度的求解已经有一些方法,本文提出了一种较为简捷的求解方法,并应用于实际的模型模拟,得到了预期的效果。


    Abstract: Volume density of discontinuities is one of basic parameters of 3D discontinuities network simulation,whether the value of volume density is reasonable or not influences the reliability of simulating results directly.Some ways are used to calculate volume density of discontinuities,and this paper provides a simpler algorthm based on their achievements,and which is applied to realistic model and anticipated effect is achieved.


