Distribution features of ship-sheet structures and thinning zones in Coal Seam No.4 Qianling District
摘要: 通过对前岭煤矿部分采区层滑构造形态特征及展布规律的观测和研究,分析了该地段主采煤层薄化带及增厚带的展布方向和幅度,揭示了31~5煤层组中,软弱夹层及滑动构造发育情况,指出4煤层变薄及增厚的规律性,为矿井安全提供了超前地质信息。Abstract: The orientation and amplitude of thinning and thickening zones of main mining coal seams in some mining areas of Qianling coal mine are studied,through observation and research on the features and distribution regularities of slip-sheet structures.The results indicated the development situation of soft beds and slip sheet structures in coal seams No.31-5 and the thinning or thickening regularities in the coal seam No.4,which provided geological information.