
Factor analysis application on water inrush source estimation of coal mine

  • 摘要: 结合恒源煤矿六八采区实例,采用因子分析方法研究矿井涌水水源。取各充水含水层样品与采区涌水样品的主要离子含量指标为分析对象,经过系列处理得到正交因子载荷矩阵。用因子1和因子2分别代表太灰水和煤系砂岩水,在因子载荷坐标系中,六八采区涌水水样则分布在因子1和因子2之间,并同时具有很高的共同度,充分证明了六八采区涌水属于太灰水与煤系砂岩裂隙水之间的过渡类型。


    Abstract: Factor analysis approach was used to determine the source of water inrushed to Mining Area Ⅵ-8 at Heng-yuan coal mine.An orthogonal factor-loading matrix was obtained by taking the main anions and cations dissolved in the waters sampled from the inbreakable aquifers and the inrush waters to Mining Area Ⅵ8 as the analysis targets.The analysis result shows that Factor 1 and Factor 2 denote the water in the limestone aquifer in Taiyuan Group and the other one in sandstone aquifer in the coal measure strata,respectively.The factor loadings of inrush waters to Mining Area Ⅵ-8 distributed between those of the limestone water and those of the sandstone water in a Plane Coordinate adding with the nearly perfect common variances of the three water types indicate that inrush waters to Mining Area Ⅵ-8 are the intergradations from the water in Taiyuan Group to that in coal measure strata.


