A method of processing for low SNR seismic data by ridgelet transform
摘要: 在小波分析的基础上发展起来的脊波变换方法,能更好地处理含线状变化特征的信号。针对地震资料中的同相轴信息,尝试利用脊波变换方法对其进行处理,提高剖面信噪比,突出同相轴信息。在对某工区实际地震资料的处理中发现,处理后的地震剖面同相轴品质及连续性有了明显改善,信噪比增强,分辨率相应提高,体现了该方法相对常规小波分析方法的优越性。Abstract: Now a day's seismic data processing based on wavelet transform is being very popular.Recently,ridgelet transform which deal effectively with line singularities in 2-D is introduced.In this paper,the issue of seismic data processing based on ridgelet transform has been analyzed.In the actual processing of seismic data in an area,we can see the quality and consecutive of seismic event are improved obviously,so that the signal/ noise ratio and resolution of seismic section are improved.