Experimental research on non-hard overhead caving in shallow buried coal seam
摘要: 以南梁煤矿地质资料为依据,通过对不同覆岩条件和不同强制放顶方案的相似材料模拟实验,证明整体性较好的顶板以强制放顶减小工作面初次来压步距是可行的,既可实现工作面连续推进,又可避免顶板大面积垮落带来的安全隐患。实验揭示了地表厚粘土层浅埋煤层单体支柱工作面开采时,顶板活动及矿山压力显现规律;为南梁煤矿单体支柱长壁工作面实现连续开采,提供了可靠依据。Abstract: Based on engineering geological conditions thr ough different resemble material simulated experiment on different overhead caving schemes, it is proved that for monolithic overhead forced caving to reduce collapse distance at the first time in the working face is feasible. The study results indicate that it is possible to realize the continuously mining, and eliminate the hidden trouble caused by outstanding top of big area. Meanwhile, the influence of face adva nce on overhead and regularities of underground pressure phenomenon are revealed under conditions of thick loam of the earth's surface layer overburden on shall ow buried coal seam with individual prop. The study results provide the reliable basis for Nanliang coal mine to realize continuously mining under conditions of mono-hydraulic pressure pillar long working face.