
Intensive zoning of landslide erosion disaster in Tongchuan City,Shaanxi

  • 摘要: 铜川市是滑坡侵蚀灾害严重的地区之一,本项研究调查了铜川市滑坡侵蚀的形成环境,分析了滑坡侵蚀的基本规律,用现场调查得到的滑坡侵蚀量作等值线图,按照等值线将铜川市滑坡侵蚀强度分为剧烈侵蚀区、强烈侵蚀区、中度侵蚀区、轻度侵蚀区、微弱侵蚀区5个等级的分区。结果表明,中等以上侵蚀区面积5 8.2 5km2,占研究区总面积的70.6%。研究区内共有滑坡12 7个,滑坡侵蚀量115 42.6万t,占重力侵蚀总量的92.9%。研究表明,铜川市滑坡侵蚀非常剧烈,必须尽快建立防灾、减灾的预警系统,加大治理对人们生命财产有威胁的滑坡侵蚀。


    Abstract: Landslide erosion is one of the serious disasters in Tongchuan City, Saanxi Province, China. This research project investigated the environment of landslide erosion disaster in Tongchuan City and its regularities.Then, the contour of the landslide erosion disaster quantity is figured with the field investigation information. With the contour map, landslide erosion intensity in the research area is divided into five zones with the intensities of serious erosion, strong erosion, medium erosion, light erosion and weak erosion. The total land area is 82.5 km2, in which there are 127 landslides. The landslide erosion quantity is 11 542.6×104t, occupies 92.9% of total erosion quantity. In which, the area of above medium erosion zone is 58.25 km2, occupies 70.6% of total area. It is suggested that the landslide erosion intensity in Tongchuan City is serious. To protect the safety of people's life and property, the alarm system for anticipating the disasters should be implemented urgently.


