The abstract of TEM signal based on the wavelet analysis
摘要: 在基于付里叶分析的传统去噪方法对瞬变电磁衰减曲线去噪无能为力的情况下,通过研究瞬变电磁信号的特点,将小波分析技术引入到TEM的信号提取中,采用了Sym6小波作为母函数,用Mallat算法进行TEM原始信号分解,采用不同的阈值重建信号,有效地分离了有用信号和噪声,使处理后的结果更接近于实际,得到了比较满意的去噪效果。Abstract: On the occasions that classical methods of mute-noise based on the Fourier analysis are disable to deal with ateruatio cunves of Transient Electromagnetic Method, the application of wavelet analysis on the abstraction of TEM signal can separate the useful signal from noise effectively and make the result close to the true value to obtain a content result, by using the wavelet Sym6 as the parent function, using the Mallat algorithm to decompose the primary TEM signal, using different threshold values to rebuild signals.