
Ecological environment problems caused by coal producing and comprehensive control measures in Shendong mining area

  • 摘要: 神东矿区地处毛乌素沙地,生态环境极其脆弱,这与大规模煤炭资源开采矛盾突出,现已出现多种生态环境问题。针对该区环境特点,以可持续发展思想为指导,研究探索出系列综合防治措施,如地表生态系统优化措施、水资源保护措施、沉陷区治理及矸石减量资源化等。这些措施生态上合理、经济上可行和社会可接受,对矿区生态环境保护和可持续发展起到重要作用,并对其它矿区生态保护具有参考价值。


    Abstract: The Shengdong mining area is located in Maowusu desert and its ecological environment is extremely fragile.It has displayed certain ecological environment problems with the outstanding conflicts between the large-scale exploitation of coal mining resources and environment protection.In the light of sustainable develop-ment guiding ideology,Shengdong coal mining company as the main developer,combined with its own character-istics,has explored a series of environment control measures which are ecological reasonable,economically viable,socially acceptable and environment-friendly,such as the ecological system optimization measures,surface water protection measures,subsidence control measures,coal gangue reduction and resource measures.The application of those measures has played an important role in its ecological protection and sustainable development,provided the valuable reference for the other mining areas.


