
Pitfalls of 3-D seismic explanation and cause analysis

  • 摘要: 煤炭三维地震勘探技术在长期勘探工作中出现了种种产生地质解释的陷阱,如假频干扰引起同相轴错断、静校正值误差形成假褶曲、速度陷阱导致假煤层形态等。文中对这些问题发生的原因进行了分析,并探索了部分解决办法,以期进一步提高三维地震成果的精确度和可信度,更好地为煤矿建设服务。


    Abstract: 3-D seismic technology,developed in long exploration activities,encountered with many different traps in geologic explanations,such as,same phase wrong breaking caused by false frequency disturbance,false fold caused by error of static corection value,speed pitfal leading to false coal seam shape.In this paper the reasons of these problems are analyzed to solve some questions of 3-D seismic,to raise 3-D seismic achievement's degree of accuracy and credibleness,and to have a better services for coal mining industry.


