Chemical injection of re-destroyed shaft in Xinglongzhuang Coal Mine
摘要: 兴隆庄矿西风井井筒事隔5a后第二次发生破坏,原因是松散层失水造成第四系压缩下沉。经分析论证,采用地面注水泥浆-化学浆复合注浆工艺,通过浆液在裂隙中流动、凝胶、劈裂、充填,可实现对岩体裂隙的封堵,达到控水、增强、防止沉降的目的。Abstract: In Xinglongzhuang coal mine,a second destroy has happened in west wind shaft after five years,which is due to the stratum subsidence of Quaternary because of mining.According to the analysis,composite technique of grout chemistry slurry injection is adopted.With the flow,coagulate,split and fill of slurry,the crack is jammed and the aim of controlling water,strengthening shaft and preventing subsidence is reached.