Analysis of the effect by using TEM detecting water filled gob area in No.2 Mine, Yangquan Mine Group
摘要: 瞬变电磁法(TEM)具有简便、快捷、对低阻体敏感等优点,在寻找地下水,查明采空区,探测岩溶发育等方面有着广泛的应用。本文以TEM法在阳泉二矿的应用为例,分析了其探测积水采空区良好的地质效果。Abstract: TEM is applied widely with advantage such as facility,express & sensitive on low resistance on detecting groundwater,mined area,strip eroded in rock etc.It is analyzed in this paper that the good effect in geology by using TEM detecting seeper area in the 2nd Mine,Yangquan Mine Group.