Jet grouting curtain supporting technology for shaft heading face through quicksand layers with confined water
摘要: 为解决立井工作面掘进中通过承压水流沙层的技术难题,提出了一种带压保浆旋喷注浆工艺,并进行了有关配套机具的研究。实施立井工作面承压水流沙层旋喷帷幕支护工程设计与施工,得到了承压水流沙层条件下采用带压保浆方法进行旋喷桩施工的单桩成桩工艺参数及固结体材料强度等重要数据,工程效果显示,该技术施工的旋喷桩桩体强度较高,使井筒掘进顺利通过承压水流沙层。Abstract: In order to solve the problem of the shaft heading in quicksand layers with confined water,the article proves a kind of technology and equipment for jet grouting with holding cement slurry on the condition of pressured water.The important data such as technological parameters and cementing material strenghth for single pile building using grout-holding method under conditions of quicksand layers with confined water were obtained,providing foundation for further application of the technology.